Thursday, 14 February 2013

2013- briefly about the year

Assalamualaikum.. huhu.. long time no story2.. if I post my new post on 22nd March 2013, it means that I didn't update my blog for a year! huhu..

Now I've mood to write something...................................
2012 left just like that- there's so many things happened.. sweet, sourrrrrrr, bitterrrr... but I'm really grateful that I still have chance to live until now. Thank you Allah.. :)
2013 started with new story, new aims, vision & mission (wow!) haha.. today is 14th Feb.. I think today is SPECIAL day for those who celebrate it.. oppps! Valentines Day- Not mine!

My new sem (1st sem) in degree really challenging for me because my time is quite pack with classes from Sunday until Thursday.. but I enjoy it.. sometimes I felt like I turn to be college school again.. A lot of works to do, discussions, and others.. hihi.. but it is REAL LIFE OF STUDENT.. :)

2013 - my responsibility as human being.. :-
1) I am fulltime student of UCSI University in B.A (Hons) Teaching English Second Language.. I love BPG for sponsoring me here.. <3

2) I am part time student of Al-Baghdadi Academy (PJJ) for my Pensijilan Asas Perguruan Al-QUran Akademi Al-Baghdadi .. I have to go to the academy in Gombak, KL, every weekend 1 & 3 for my classes there.. Kuala Terengganu-Kuala Lumpur.. at least 8 hours in bus, then went back to Kuala Terengganu.. ALhamdulillah everything was fine until now.. :)

3) I am a part time teacher in Al- Baghdadi Learning Centre.. I have to teach my students about Al-Quran.. The more I learn n teach, the more I know that my knowledge is still weak.. But I believe that Allah give me this chance to learn more about it.. :)

*the most important thing is, my responsibility as a MUSLIM.. :) I wish & I will try my best to be a solehah daughter, sisters, wife & ummi.. *future,.. :)

Aamin.. :)