Graphics for Islam Comments
Song from a Secret Garden
My FIRST and LAST InsyaAllah
12 December 2007...We met...
Allah's gave me chance to know you...
To be friend with you...
Even when it get started..
I always makes you get angry with me....
Always makes you sad...
Always hurt your heart...
Always challenge you...
Always makes your patience burst up..
Always disturb you...
Always and always do the same thing...
You give strength to me...
Always be with me..
Always give light to me...
Always support me...
Always teach me to be a better person...
Always guide me...
Always open my eyes...
Always be patient with me...
Always try to give the best for me...
Always try change yourself...
Always be positive...
Always cheer me up..
Always and always stay with me..
We are far apart...
We are no longer stay together...
Because of HIM...
I know He had planned everything for us..
I know we could be success together..
Even we are in different places...
I know we will meet again...
If we are meant to be together...
With Allah's blessings..
I know it's hard for us..
But we've to be positive...
Be strong..
Be close to HIM...
Be a better person InsyaAllah...
Nothing impossible...
Pray a lot...
I know Allah heard what ever we said...
What ever we ask...
Just pray and pray...
If we get what ever we ask for..
Be grateful with it...
It's time to say goodbye...
It's time to change...
It's time to be what ever we want to be...
It's time to study...
It's time to focus on what ever we do..
It's time to strive to achieve what ever we want in our life...
It's time to think about our future..
It's time to fulfill our mission...
Makes the dreams come true...
12.12.2007~ The day Allah gave chance to meet you
12.12.2012~ ^_^
12.12.2012~ ~.~
I will always pray for you...
I will be here for you InsyaAllah...
I will miss you...
I will always remember you...
As a part of my life...
Sweetest Memory that I ever had is be with you...
Good luck...
May Allah bless you...
May Allah protect you...
17 Ramadhan 1432 H
12 December **** |